PI Magazine, trade publication for Private InvestigatorsPI Magazine


Meet the Owners / Publishers


Nicole Cusanelli , M.A. 



Dr. Richard Rosell – New Co-Owner, and Co-Publisher of

PI Magazine



We welcome PI Magazine’s new co-owner and co-publisher, Dr. Richard Rosell, who brings an extensive background in private investigation, law enforcement, and education to PI Magazine.

Richard retired from the Town of Indian River Shores as the chief of police in May 2023 after over 8 years of service.  Prior to his tenure in Indian River Shores, he was the director of public safety for the Town of Dover, NJ.  Immediately prior to this, he held the position of director of public safety for the Township of Springfield, Union County, NJ.  In both positions, he was responsible for leading and managing all police, fire, and EMS services.

He is a 27-year veteran of the New Jersey State Police, retiring at the rank of captain.  He has a very diverse skill set with vast operational, training, policy making, homeland security, management, and administrative experience.  Among the positions he held in the State Police include advisor to the superintendent of state police, strategic initiatives officer, regional field operations commander, special operations bureau chief, emergency management bureau chief, Hurricane Katrina task force commander, station commander, S.W.A.T. supervisor, internal affairs staff officer, traffic analyst, traffic grant coordinator, station detective, drug interdiction task force supervisor, expert witness, and undercover operative.

Richard has extensive experience teaching at the graduate level for Seton Hall University in their Human Resources Training and Development program, and Fairleigh Dickinson University in their Intelligence-Led Policing and Homeland Security programs. He currently teaches Homeland Security and Emergency Management for Idaho State University.  He also has extensive police and military training experience, including international training experience, having lectured in Canada as well as having served as a military tactics training advisor for the Albanian Armed Forces.

He has a bachelor’s degree from Thomas Edison State College in human services, a master’s degree from Seton Hall University in human resources training and development, and a master’s degree from the Naval Postgraduate School in homeland defense and security studies.  He earned his doctorate from Drew University in liberal arts.

He is a former United States Marine, and a former NJ Army National Guardsman.  He retired from the US Army Reserve at the rank of Master Sergeant in 2019.

Richard currently owns a consulting company which provides expert witness testimony and consulting (www.policeofficerconsulting.com).  He is an AELE Certified Litigation Specialist.  He also provides training for public safety and security professionals and owns a New Jersey registered security agency.  Before reentering law enforcement, he owned a New Jersey private detective agency and now that he is retired from law enforcement will be reinstating his private investigator license in NJ and procuring a private investigator license in Florida.

Richard’s hobbies include boating and fishing, and he is very active in supporting local charities.

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