PI Magazine, trade publication for Private InvestigatorsPI Magazine

Ad Deadlines

PI Magazine Advertising Deadlines

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Deadlines Jan/Feb Mar/Apr May/Jun Jul/Aug Sep/Oct Nov/Dec Jan/Feb
Ad Space Reservations 11/01 1/01 3/01 5/01 7/01 9/01 11/01
Adwork to Publisher Date 11/15 1/15 3/15 5/15 7/15 9/15 11/15
Final Ad Changes to Publisher 12/01 2/01 4/01 6/01 8/01 10/01 12/01
Mail Date 12/27 2/28 4/28 6/28 8/28 10/28 12/27
Street Arrival Date 1/02 3/01 5/01 7/01 9/01 11/01 1/02

[/ultimate_info_table][ultimate_info_table design_style=”design04″ color_scheme=”red”]

Ad Space Reservation: Advertisers must have submitted a completed Advertising Insertion Order and fully executed Advertising Contract by this date to guarantee space in the next issue. First time advertisers must also include payment for their first ad insertion.
Ad Closing Date: No ads can be accepted for the next issue after the Closing Date without special written permission from the Publisher. No ad cancellations will be accepted after this date. Payment in full is required by all non-Credit Status advertisers by this date or scheduled ads will be pulled.
Materials to Publisher: The Publisher must receive all artwork and ad copy by this date or the previously run ad will appear in the next issue. All electronic artwork must be emailed to info@pimagazine.com or mailed to our office.
Final Changes/Approval: This is the “drop dead” date for any changes or approvals for scheduled advertisements. No changes, alterations, corrections can be made after this date. It is up to the Advertiser/Agency to insure that all requested proofs be approved by this date or Publisher will accept artwork in their possession as approved for print.


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